I grew up in Utah so you probably know that there are a few Mormons around. I'm one of them. Mormons you see, send their 19 year old young men out on missions to preach the gospel and whatnot. It's supposed to be viewed as an opportunity but I've come to find it as more of an expectation. I'm not of course trying to cheapen the faith and resolve of those who do serve missions I have the utmost respect for those who do since many of them are my closest friends. I'm just adding some substance to my next point.
When I tell someone, particularly a girl, (since I really don't care about and male's opinion about me...at all) I can see them instantly coming to a conclusion about me. It's pretty interesting. It basically boils down to these 5 courses of action.
1. You should be serving a mission.
2. You can't be that smart if you decided to throw away the opportunity to attend college.
3. You're leaving soon so we probably shouldn't date.
4. You're leaving soon and I want to kind of date you, but not call it a relationship since there's no way you'd ever be able to convince me to sustain any type of loyalty to you.
5. I'm a decent human being and I would love to associate myself with you without looking for your smallest mistakes to call you out on so that I don't seem like a jerk that really just wanted to hook up and dump you right before you leave.
5 of course is my personal favorite. Of course it hasn't happened, and probably won't happen in the next 7 and a half days, but it's always nice to think of it as an option.
As for family, I like my dad. That's about it.